Vista motherboard requirements
Right now mine is running a p4 2. So im not worried in the least A Vista Capable machine has much slimmer requirements. If you don't need the 3d interface but want the enhanced features of Vista you can still do it provided you meet this: A Windows Vista Capable PC includes at least: A modern processor at least MHz.
A graphics processor that is DirectX 9 capable. This may save you a lot of headaches in the near future. I remember the early days of XP. Similar threads. New few answers before i buy.
Replies 2 Views Nov 25, bazz Motherboard makers are releasing updates to help with Windows 11 compatibility. I think Intel devices on x79 boards are generally just fine. I remember you posting that link somewhere. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Already have an account?
Sign in here. Windows Vista Existing user? MSFN is made available via donations, subscriptions and advertising revenue. The use of ad-blocking software hurts the site. Please disable ad-blocking software or set an exception for MSFN. Good Vista motherboards. Share More sharing options So, the first thing someone interested in building a Vista Premium system needs to do is decide on what hardware they are going to use.
As this is a brand new operating system with its own hardware requirements, I thought it would best to take a closer look at Vista's requirements before I shelled out any cash.
It is important to note that the hardware requirements listed by Microsoft are the minimum requirements needed to run Vista Premium, not the optimum. While a system with the basic level of hardware will be able to run Window's Vista, depending on what you are going to be using your system for, you might want to go for some higher spec hardware.
For example, as Vista is a very memory intensive operating system, you might want to try adding additional system memory above the 1G requirement. If you have an old IDE drive lying around and would like to save some money, go ahead and use it. If you are purchasing a new hard drive however, SATA drives offer some distinct advantages and will allow you to take full advantage of some of the advanced Windows Vista Premium features. As it supports DirectX 9.
Lets say you are running out of cash building your Vista Premium system. For those of you wanting to save some cash, this is great bargain. If in time you wanted a graphics boost, you can slot in a PCI Express graphics card or even 2 for Crossfire, and you have yourself one extreme gaming platform.
This will give us a good comparison of the performance difference using an integrated versus discrete graphics solution. System Memory Hearing in the forums that some people were noticing some lags using 1GB of memory for early RC1 and RC2 versions of Vista, I decided to splurge and go beyond Microsoft's recommendation to hopefully avoid these issues.
While my choice definitely wasn't cheap, I believe the added performance will be worth it. I had this hard drive lying around not being used for quite a while and since I splurged on the memory, I decided to save some cash here and upgrade later if I needed to.
It is very important that you have at least 15GB of free space on your hard drive otherwise Vista will be unable to install. Windows Vista includes a tool that will automatically run a series of tests on the various system hardware components such as processor, memory, disk drive and graphics and rates your computer on a scale of 1 through 5 5 being the highest.
The rating is supposed to make it easier to see if your hardware is capable of running various software applications. Post by MCpillager12 » Wed Aug 14, am. Post by windowsio » Wed Aug 14, pm. Post by Schneider » Wed Aug 14, pm.
Post by windowsio » Thu Aug 15, am. Post by Hyoenmadan86 » Thu Aug 15, am. Post by Schneider » Thu Aug 15, am. Post by MCpillager12 » Fri Aug 30, pm.
Post by JonathonWyble » Sat Aug 31, pm. Post by MCpillager12 » Sat Aug 31, pm. Post by Beta12 » Sun Oct 06, am. Post by Schneider » Thu Oct 10, pm. Post by DarkerJ » Thu Oct 10, pm.