Blue crab icon virus
For these reasons, animal rights groups, conservationists and a handful of companies have been pushing for the development and approval of synthetic alternatives to the milky-blue crab blood, reports James Gorman for the New York Times. Now, an influential United States group has abandoned plans to list a synthetic alternative, called recombinant Factor C rFC , alongside the tried and true blue fluid, reports John Miller for Reuters. The move by medical standards group U.
Pharmacopeia USP would have given rFC equal standing with crab blood, which has long been the industry standard for testing, per Reuters.
Many expected the alternative test to be approved for widespread use as it was in Europe by the European Pharmacopeia , per the Times. Schott hopes the lessons he shared at the February workshop, and plans to discuss at future meetings, can help watermen cut down the number of deaths in the crabs they catch and make the fishery practice more sustainable.
During his summer study, Schott said they investigated different crab shedding systems along the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Virginia to determine what the successful ones were doing that others could imitate. They determined the amount of time crabs spent in the tanks between being caught and sold and the temperature of the water in the tanks appeared the most important factors in saving the most crabs.
The value of soft shell crabs—about three times their hard shell worth—makes producing them a highly sought practice. Schott estimates about 5 to 10 percent of the fishery goes to soft shell production in the Chesapeake. Crabs must discard their shell in order to grow. However, a full system scan using latest Norton came clean If any of you experts out there know or can guess the cause of this mysterious blue crab Thanks a bunch Screens-hot:.
SameeMan , Sep 1, Incomplete information. On her computer? On a flash drive? Does the actual photo have the blue mark or just the thumbnail? If you take a picture to another computer do you have the same problem? Did you try another program that creates thumbnails to see if the image is on the photo or created by the imaging program? Last edited: Sep 2, Several marine parasites and symbionts of portunid crabs are limited by low salinities e.
In addition, host factors like molt stage, size age , and maturity status contribute significantly to the infestation dynamics of several parasites and symbionts in other portunid crabs Shields, ; Shields, in prep. Transmission experiments with many of the disease agents have been partially successful. Most studies rely on artificial methods of infection like injection, or cannibalism, but water-borne transmission via contact and direct invasion of the host are probably the major avenues for many of the disease agents.
Cannibalism may be a major route of transmission since crabs are known cannibals; the vegetative stages of the diseases can frequently survive in seawater, or dead flesh for several days; and infected crabs often suffer lethargy and are therefore more susceptible to predation. In conclusion, epizootics of various pathogens can occur in blue crabs with some regularity.
They are frequently associated with high salinity waters, and, in some cases, with water temperature.
The hydrography of the Delmarva Peninsula, and other coastal regions of the mid Atlantic may facilitate the spread of the epizootics by retaining infected crabs, and by focusing the infectious agents in the dense populations of hosts. Table 1. Selected pathogenic agents of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus , primary source, tissues in which the diseases occur, and the status of the agent in causing epizootics in crabs.
Colwell, R. A comparative study of the bacterial flora of the hemolymph of Callinectes sapidus. Couch, J. Pathological effects of Urosporidium Haplosporida infection in microphallid metacercariae.
Diseases caused by protozoa, pp In: The Biology of the Crustacea, Vol. Provenzano, Jr. Field, R. Chapman, A. Taylor, D. Infection of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus by a Hematodinium-like species of dinoflagellate on the west coast of Scotland.
Humes, A. The morphology, taxonomy, and bionomics of the nemertean genus Carcinonemertes. Jahromi, S. Occurrence of Rhabdovirus-like particles in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus.
Johnson, P. Bodammer, A disease of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, of possible viral etiology. A herpeslike virus from the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. Parasites of benthic amphipods: dinoflagellates Duboscquodinida: Syndinidae.
Krantz, G. Vibrio parahemolyticus from the blue crab Callinectes sapidus in Chesapeake Bay. Science Kuris, A. Modelling crustacean fisheries: Affects of parasites on management strategies. Blau, A. Paul, J. Infestation by brood symbionts and their impact on egg mortality in the red king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica, in Alaska: Geographic and temporal variation.