Brad gillingham squat program
This is truly a no-frills 11 week peaking program for the deadlift. Since it does not program in any accessory work, it will be up to the individual lifter to program in accessories to compensate for their individual weaknesses. Format: Deadlift 1x weekly, 11 weeks…. Kyle Risley founded Lift Vault in to make finding great powerlifting programs easier.
Since then, the site has grown to include hundreds of programs for strength, bodybuilding, Olympic weightlifting, and more. He currently lives in Massachusetts and continues to compete in powerlifting. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.
Learn how your comment data is processed. Skip to content. Gillingham 16 week Squat Program — 5 Comments. A downloadable Excel file of this program is located: here The example below uses as the one rep squat max goal. Squats Weight Percent Sets Week 1 We all need to take some quality me time, especially when life gets extra tough and stressful. Wondering where to buy? Find products using myHMB just about anywhere vitamins and supplements are sold.
How to create a training program to attack your weak areas and continue making strength gains with Hall of Fame Powerlifter Brad Gillingham. Mixing up your training by periodically incorporating different methods not only keeps things interesting, but helps to strengthen weak areas.
Post-Activation Potentiation Principles As my back began to heal, the training loads were increased. Stay Strong! Related Posts. There are a plethora of exercise movements out there that are beneficial, but Pro Boxer Mike Kurzeja thinks getting back… Read More. Front Squats are done before Deadlift.
Warms-up with Hang Cleans or Power Cleans. He developed this program. Like Like. Any program can be used by any lifter, be it a beginner or seasoned competitor. I understand that the deadlift weeks are calculated from a max with full gear suit and belt. I understand that the deadlift loads are calculated from a fully geared max.
How should I calculate the loads if I my max is without a lifting suit?