Business card printing file format
The pdf's strength is its ability to save vector artwork. This is storing a curve as two coordinates and an arc between them. This way the curve is printed crisp and sharp not like a series of little steps. Your pdf file can include photographs and line drawings which may be jpg or tif files. So if your artwork has a photo, or image styled logo in it all the rules for getting your jpg or tif files the right resolution and compression apply for your pdf file also.
In most programs as you select the File menu and either Export, Save As or Publish to PDF you are presented with a series of options for setting up your pdf file. Noting the points above you should be able to achieve the desired result from your program. Once saved, open your new pdf file in Acrobat Reader to test it. Beverage Coasters. Bottle Labels. Business Cards. Canvas Backdrop. Car Door Magnets. Club Card Flyers. Desk Calendars. Door Hangers. EDDM Postcards. Event Tickets. Hang Tags. ID Badges.
Invitation cards. Memo Pads. Mounted Posters. Note Pads. Consider this when designing your card—avoid using too bright colors, because the colors on paper may not always match those you see on the screen. Swift Publisher allows you to save your card in both these formats, with the required quality the standard for high quality printing is dpi resolution. When you export your business card to PDF, all fonts are embedded automatically.
Nevertheless, they may sometimes display incorrectly in the print shop depending on the software and equipment they use. If you wish to insure yourself against such problem, save your card to the TIFF format. The quality will remain the same, and the text will look exactly as you want it to. Before sending the file, compress it to decrease its size.
There are several ways to deliver the prepared material to the print shop—ask your company which method is appropriate for them:. Bleeds Most printing companies require the original artwork file to include bleeds.